League of Education Voters champions an education system that provides every student in the state equitable opportunities for success from cradle to career.

Read our Summer 2024 Report on Education Funding in Washington state

Register for the 2024 Youth Advocacy Summit in person and on Zoom. Register Now

League of Education Voters believes that education is a tool for justice. The project of dismantling the systems that perpetuate the violence and oppression experienced by communities of color begins in schools. We believe every child deserves an excellent public education that provides an equal opportunity for success. In order to achieve this, we must pursue radical change in our school systems for equity, justice, and liberation. We must build schools and systems that honor the humanity of every student.

To create the permanent change our students deserve, we at LEV know that we have much to learn and work to do as an organization and as individuals. We are committed to:

Starting with the self — We will work to uncover and dismantle the racism within ourselves and the racist structures and practices within our own organization.

Listening and amplifying — The voices of the Black community and people of color are the center of this movement, and we must listen, learn and amplify their messages in our own circles.

Supporting — We will actively seek opportunities to support the work of organizations led by and serving communities of color, contributing our capacity and resources to support their work in dismantling unjust systems.

Being Accountable — We also call upon our networks to hold us accountable. We know we will take missteps and are grounded in our dedication to doing better for the students of Washington.

The urgency of this work requires us to seek solutions that challenge the status quo. We must ensure that no more names are added to the list of lives claimed by police brutality and systemic racism. And we must fight for a world in which true educational and economic equity exists.

– The Board and Staff of League of Education Voters

Youth Advocacy Hub

We know that students are the people most impacted by education policy and advocacy, and we want to create more space for youth voices in this important work.


South Shore School

Innovative practices implemented at South Shore PreK-8 in South Seattle have given LEV a practical model for transforming our education system at both the district and the state level.

teacher with students

Student Supports

Students learn most effectively when their school feels safe, inclusive, supportive, and respectful.


Who is League of Education Voters?

League of Education Voters is a non-profit, non-partisan group that works with families, educators, and leaders across Washington state.
  • We advocate at the state level for community-driven, student-focused education solutions.
  • We build capacity for partners and coalitions by providing Policy, Field, and Communications expertise.
  • We share trusted information with students, families, communities, educators, partner organizations, policymakers, and the media.
  • We convene education stakeholders such as students, families, educators, community-based organizations, school district and state agency staff, and policymakers.
And we do this through an equity lens.