Students from South Shore PreK-8

League of Education Voters (LEV) was founded in 2001 by Washingtonians to support an education system that provides every student an equal opportunity for success from cradle to career. Working on behalf of students, LEV has successfully led the charge on many of the landmark funding and policy decisions helping improve the education landscape in Washington.

League of Education Voters is made up of three separate organizations, a 501(c)3, 501(c)4, and a PAC:

  • Our 501(c)3 is a charitable organization called the LEV Foundation.
  • The 501(c)4 is a non-partisan organization called the League of Education Voters.
  • The PAC is called the Education Voters Political Action Fund.

The 501(c)4 and PAC are dormant at this time.


We advocate at the state level for community-driven, student-focused education solutions.

We build capacity for partners and coalitions by providing Policy, Field, and Communications expertise.

We share trusted information with students, families, communities, educators, partner organizations, policymakers, and the media.

We convene education stakeholders such as students, educators, community-based organizations, and policymakers.

And we do this through an equity lens.


Our Vision

Every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides equitable opportunities for success.

Our Mission

League of Education Voters (LEV Foundation) acts to serve the interests of students and families across the state of Washington to improve education access and quality, particularly those who have been harmed by historical and systemic inequities, by:

  • Conducting and sharing research that provides straightforward information to inform students, families, and decision-makers about public education in Washington.
  • Working with communities to develop and advocate for policies that eradicate historical and systemic racial disparities and help close the opportunity gap among historically and systemically underserved students and families in Washington.
  • Monitoring policies and practices closely to ensure they are implemented in a timely and equitable manner.
  • Organizing and mobilizing students and families and ensuring community voices are heard by decision-makers.
  • Partnering with stakeholders to advocate for an equitable, high-quality, and fully funded public education.

Our Values

At League of Education Voters, we base our work on the following values:

  • Put Students First

    Students have an important voice in shaping the education system. Families are critical partners in student success. We commit to working with students, families, and communities – especially Black, Indigenous and students of color, students with disabilities, students gaining English proficiency, students who identify as LGBTQ+, students experiencing homelessness, foster youth, and other historically marginalized students – to identify barriers and formulate solutions together, and we support them in organizing to advocate for their future.

  • Honor Community Knowledge and Experience

    LEV recognizes that communities themselves offer the best definition of the challenges they face and often the best pathways for addressing them.

  • Embrace Anti-Racism

    We are committed to understanding and dismantling historic and systemic racism which creates stark inequities in education and being held accountable for our own action or inaction. We are also committed to looking inward at LEV’s history, committing to changes, and being accountable for them.

  • Operationalize Equity

    We believe equity should lie at the heart of our decision-making. We must employ approaches and build structures and policies externally and internally that will be designed to embed equity at every decision point.

  • Advocate for Educators Who Better Reflect the Students They Serve

    We believe students need teachers and school leaders who reflect them, understand their lived experiences, and are equipped to help them succeed.

  • Pursue Collaboration

    We believe we are most effective when we work across the lines of difference toward common solutions. We will learn from the community and acknowledge the power of lived experience.

  • Act with Courage

    We will have the courage to act, to learn from our actions, and to strive to improve our practice with innovation and humility.

  • Remain Nonpartisan

    We believe education is not a partisan issue. We are deeply engaged in the political process but do not align ourselves with any political party.

How We Operationalize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as an Organization

We want every Washington student in public school to gain an excellent education that prepares them for success. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are central to this vision. Focusing on these three values is fundamental to ensuring all students learn to become compassionate, engaged, and productive members of society.

To these ends, we are guided by the following principles:

Student-Centered: We first ask, “What is the impact on students, particularly those furthest from opportunity?” We want every student to feel respected and cared for in their schools.
Collaborative: LEV aspires to engage with individuals and advocacy organizations supporting communities impacted by historical and systemic inequalities.
Learning: Our work requires intellectual curiosity, the will to seek solutions that challenge the status quo, and the fortitude to learn in public. We are an organization of learners, and we value rigorous engagement with both data and community voice.


Read our 2023-24 Annual Report.

Read our 2021-2024 Strategic Framework.

Read Our Impact from our 2023-24 Annual Report.


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