Lunchtime LEVinars

Welcome to Lunchtime LEVinars, free, interactive, online webinars on important and timely issues hosted by the League of Education Voters (LEV). These lunchtime webinars are designed to share information and build knowledge about the issues at the core of LEV’s policy priorities.

LEV will host each 30 to 60-minute webinar, which will include a 20–30 minute presentation by an expert from the field and 10 minutes of Q&A. Each webinar will be recorded and archived on our website.


Most Recent LEVinar

Leveraging ERDC Data Dashboards for Decision-Making

The Washington State Education Research and Data Center (ERDC) has been working with college and workforce outcomes data for high school graduates to better understand what pathways students pursue after high school. These dashboards can provide useful information to schools and districts to support their programs and assist students in planning their future pathways.

In this webinar, the ERDC provides an overview of their dashboards and an overview of the High School Graduate Outcomes dashboard. Representatives from two school districts share how they use the ERDC high school outcomes data to inform their work with students.


Moderated by League of Education Voters CEO Arik Korman.

Watch Now (captioning is available in English, Spanish, and Somali)


Upcoming LEVinar

Special Education in Washington state

Special education is a primary focus in the 2025 Washington state Legislative Session.

In this free webinar, Dr. Tania May, Washington state Assistant Superintendent of Special Education Services, will share an overview of special education in Washington state focusing on inclusionary practices and mental health supports, and will discuss legislation currently being considered in Olympia.

Presented in partnership with the Investing in Student Potential coalition – Designing systems to give every learner what they need, when they need it.

Spanish interpretation and captioning in English will be provided.

Moderated by League of Education Voters CEO Arik Korman.

Thursday, March 27, 2025 (tentative)
12:30 – 1:30 pm

Register Now

Previous LEVinars



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