More than 500 students, parents, educators and advocates (including LEV staff) representing Washington’s public charter schools traveled from across the state to Olympia to urge legislators to act quickly and vote to save Washington’s public charter schools for the long-term. Here are photos from the event:
LEV Tri-Cities organizer Ruvine Jimenez preps public charter school students for the rally
The Capitol is THAT way!
Assembling on the steps
More students, parents, educators and advocates are still coming
Students practice their chants for legislators
Many students created their own signs
How often do you see students proclaiming how much they love their school?
Rep. Eric Pettigrew (D-37) gets the crowd fired up
Senator Mark Mullet (D-5) congratulates students for getting directly involved in democracy
A public charter schools teacher, student and parent tell their stories
Senator Joe Fain (R-47) shows his support for public charter schools
Rep. Norma Smith (R-10) tells students that they represent the future of Washington state
The rally drew plenty of media coverage
Rep. Bob McCaslin (R-4) shares his experiences as a public school teacher
Rep. Chad Magendanz (R-5) tells students he’s confident legislators will vote to keep public charter schools open
The rally heads up the Capitol steps…
… and into the Capitol rotunda!
Cheers are much louder in a large marble hall
Legislators are listening
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