Washington Game Changers Podcast – Sean Goode of Choose 180

Washington Game Changers with Lauri Hennessey features leaders who give back to our community, drive innovative solutions, and inspire others in making our state more equitable and just. This podcast is a one-on-one conversation with these powerful leaders in a time when we need to hear about more good in the world.

In this episode, Lauri speaks with Sean Goode of Choose 180 about how they truly make a difference in the lives of kids and give an alternative to what many call the “school-to-prison pipeline,” particularly for kids of color. Sean’s organization involves the kids in making their own decisions, making commitments, and holding them accountable when they make mistakes. Choose 180 also asks us to examine how our society treats mistakes in youth and how that treatment often is disproportionate. You will be inspired by the work Sean and others do at Choose 180. Sean was inspired by the experience his own brother encountered with the juvenile justice system. Find out more about Choose 180 and Sean Goode at www.choose180.org.


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