Becoming Señora Wallace: Identity Crisis: Quack goes the…Dawg?
It’s official — I am headed for Huskydom.
How did I decide? First of all, I just couldn’t justify paying $30K for Seattle U (almost twice as much as the UW Masters in Teaching program costs).
More importantly, UW’s new and improved Secondary Teacher Education Program seems like an appropriate fit. These are the highlights and advantages that convinced me to…gulp…become a Husky:
– I can pursue a second endorsement in ESL right off the bat (once again, it’s cost effective!).
– I will take classes through the summer, and I get to work with a high school summer program!
– After four quarters, I will wrap up “traditional coursework” and have the spring (2010) free to hunt for job openings.
– I will have my own classroom by fall 2010! While I won’t earn my master’s until after my first year of teaching, I will have ongoing support during the first year. Plus, the capstone project I will complete during the second year of the program will prepare me to pursue National Board Certification.
Three years ago during my last term at the University of Oregon, if someone told me I’d be headed to UW to become a teacher, I probably would have laughed. Yet, here I am — less than two months from being a full-time student again, and I can’t imagine pursuing any other path.