It’s here, it’s here, it’s finally here!

No, you fickle weather babies, it’s not summer. Which arrives Wednesday of next week and leaves about September 3. It’s not the Sunday Amazon Prime cat food delivery, either. And while it might feel like it to legislators, it’s not Christmas in (almost) July. The “it” in question is the state budget. After a full regular session, three special sessions, a gang of eight, a four-corner agreement and a partridge in a pear tree, we have a proposed budget. With little time to review and a government shut- down looming, legislators will take up the $47B + measure later today. Winner? Well, McCleary, it’s your birthday, get your dance on, it’s your birthday. If you’re not doing the cabbage patch or sprinkler by now, you’re not feeling the gravity of the moment. Yes, the devil’s in the details – and those are several hundred pages long – the legislature is proposing a historic increase in education funding and dedicated funds toward historically underserved student populations – including a new funding stream for high poverty schools that guarantees targeted resources for academically struggling students in those schools.
The historic increases in education funding couldn’t come a moment too soon. Washington isn’t doing so well by its kids – the new Annie E. Casey Kids Count report is out and Washington ranks 14th in overall child well-being. This is a report that could have been written by Justice Bobbi Bridge, who in a recent LEVinar warned that we can pay now or pay later. We’ve advocated for paying it forward, with resources going to kids based on need.
It’s a great day to stream TVW – today’s budget negotiations are must-see TV.
In other news:
- You say you want a revolution? Henry Louis Gates is all in.
- Tech jobs are “new collar” jobs.
- As are cybersecurity.
- Two random bits of good news. Longevity. GaGa.
- If you’ve ever watched a movie based on a Dan Brown novel and rolled your eyes because “that’s not possible,” check this ancient ‘skull cult’.
Well kids, it’s about that time. July is upon us and the garden beckons. Have a wonderful summer! And as always, thanks for all you’re doing on behalf of Washington’s students.