
It’s so good to be back with you! After a three month sabbatical, I’m renewed and refreshed, ready to hit the ground running.
Sadly it’s hard to know where to begin when so much promise, talent and opportunity came to an end – again – in a school in Florida. Another mass shooting, another school, another day of horror and grief. I have a sixth grader and a spouse who’s an elementary school principal. I know this is my worst fear. I also know this has to stop. I feel like my head will explode if one more person says we need a national conversation about gun violence. It feels like we have that conversation many times a year – after another incidence of gun violence. Thoughts and prayers? Pray for the courage it takes to do the right thing. And think when you fill out your ballot.
As for what we can do for kids, if we are serious about our kids’ mental, physical and social well-being, there are some school staffing ratios that should look dramatically different. Among other things.
Moving on, we’re at that point in the legislative session where bills need to have been voted out of the house of origin to still have a pulse. Unless of course they are determined to be necessary to implement the budget or NTIB. In case you missed it, our hopes for the session were spelled out here and the pieces on the game board are tracked here. The issue we all thought we’d resolved (ha!) last session, education funding, is still full steam ahead with multiple proposals under consideration. With a hefty price tag for completion and no real funding mechanism on the horizon it must have felt like Christmas in February when the revenue forecast came out this week. Over half a billion dollars in projected – unanticipated – revenue reminded me of unwitting audience members in a certain talk show host’s studio. And you get fully funded education and you get fully funded education and you….
Speaking of education funding, many a local levy was on the ballot this week and while the vast majority passed, the margins for some were significantly lower than in previous years. We’ll continue to sort through results and monitor trends on this as the impact of local levy failure is hugely significant.
Here’s some of what we’re reading:
- Lost in the political posturing is the actual impact DACA has had on families.
- In post-secondary attainment, your parents’ education matters.
- There are good things happening out there. Really good things.
- So, if the folks at Apple just acted on this study, it might be a win/win.
Well folks, that’s all for this week. I really can’t express the depth of my gratitude for all you’re doing on behalf of our kids – teaching peace, keeping them safe, helping them grow every day – stay at it!
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