Education Advocate October 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, October 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

Fall is definitely upon us. Our kids are back in school, the M’s season (sadly) is over, and football is well under way. It’s hard to believe that the election happens a short five weeks from today. I feel like the groundhog who has seen its shadow, ready to retreat into my Packers den until the political ads are finally over.

As I’m sure you know by now, one of the most important races in the election is for the next Superintendent of Public Instruction. LEV is all over it this month, co-sponsoring candidate forums with Erin Jones and Chris Reykdal October 5 in Woodinville, October 8 in Seattle, and October 11 in Spokane. See details and listen to podcast interviews with both candidates here.

Also, many of us don’t know what the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) actually does. Join us for a free Lunchtime LEVinar on October 27, where current state Superintendent Randy Dorn will answer your questions about OSPI’s roles and responsibilities. Register here.

LEV continues to roll out our vision of what we could accomplish in the McCleary education funding debate, which will be front and center in the 2017 legislative session. Dig into the topic of fair compensation for our teachers here.

Finally, I would like to extend a big thank-you to our donors in the third quarter of 2016. You make our work possible. Thanks for all you do for kids. We couldn’t do it without you.
Chris Korsmo signature


Chris Korsmo

October OSPI Candidate Forums

Washington state OSPI candidates Erin Jones and Chris Reykdal LEV is co-hosting three candidate forums this month with Washington Superintendent of Public Instruction candidates Erin Jones and Chris Reykdal. See them October 5 in Woodinville, October 8 in Seattle, and October 11 in Spokane. See the complete schedule and listen to podcast interviews with both candidates. Read more

Learn OSPI’s Roles and Responsibilities

OSPI Roles and Responsibilities Lunchtime LEVinarRandy Dorn, our current state Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), will answer your questions about OSPI’s role and work, which levers OSPI has to make changes in education policy, and what the community should expect from OSPI. This free, 30-minute Lunchtime LEVinar will take place on Thursday, October 27 at 12:30 p.m. Register here

Teachers: The Most Important Part of Our Education System

How Teacher Compensation Plays Into the McCleary DebateLEV begins our discussion of redefining basic education with the most important part of our education system: our teachers. Research consistently shows that teachers have the strongest school-based impact on student performance, but that is not reflected in their current pay.


The Washington State Supreme Court is requiring the Legislature to increase the state contribution to teacher salary as part of its duty to fully fund education. As the state grapples with how to meet its McCleary obligations, we must continue to advocate for meaningful investments in education—which starts with investing in teachers. Read more

Celebrating our donors

Thank you!Donations are made to the League of Education Voters (LEV) and the LEV Foundation by individuals, groups, and businesses throughout the community. These generous donations from those who believe in high-quality public education allow us to ensure measurable progress toward LEV’s vision that every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides the opportunity for success.

We’d like to take a moment to celebrate our supporters who donated to LEV or the LEV Foundation between July 1 and September 30 of this year. Thank you!

Get Involved


October 5, 2016 | OSPI and 1st Legislative District Candidate Forum, Brightwater Center, Woodinville
October 8, 2016 | OSPI and Congressional District 7 & 9 Candidate Forum, Eritrean Association, Seattle
October 11, 2016 | OSPI Candidate Forum, The Lincoln Center, Spokane


October 27, 2016 | OSPI’s Roles and Responsibilities, Online webinar

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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Education Advocate September 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, September


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

It’s hard to believe it’s back-to-school time already. It feels like just yesterday when our kids wrapped up the school year in June and now we’re back at it again. At least the NFL gets underway tonight.  And I’m ready for some football.

Here at the League of Education Voters, we’re drilling down on the opportunities and implications of the McCleary education funding lawsuit. We’re starting a blog series, so you can know where we’re leaning. Read the first installment here. And we want to know what you’re thinking, as well. This is a journey, so come aboard!

In the meantime, I invite you to read our September newsletter to learn more about our activist of the month, Col. Felix Vargas, and an upcoming free Lunchtime LEVinar on Expanded Learning Opportunities, featuring our partners from School’s Out Washington.

Also, I would like thank everyone who sent in questions for our podcast interviews with state Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) candidates Erin Jones and Chris Reykdal. We will post the interviews by the end of the month and continue to publicize OSPI candidate forums on the LEV website.

Lastly, I’d like to let you know that you can now support the LEV Foundation when you shop online through Amazon Smile. Every time you shop, Amazon will donate 0.5 percent of what you spend to the LEV Foundation. Visit Amazon Smile to learn more today and select LEV Foundation as the charity you support.

Thank you, and thanks for all you do for kids.

Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

LEV’s Activist of the Month

Felix Vargas is LEV's September Activist of the Month At the League of Education Voters, we recognize all of the hard work that you do toward improving public education across Washington state. We are pleased to announce our Activist of the Month for September: Felix Vargas.

Read more about Col. Vargas’ work advocating for public education—especially when it comes to equity in education around the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Read more

Lunchtime LEVinar: Expanded Learning Opportunities

LEVinar: Expanded Learning OpportunitiesEducation does not stop when the school bell rings. So young people’s access to high-quality expanded learning opportunities—afterschool, in the summer and throughout the year – should grow.

Join Stephanie Lennon and David Beard from School’s Out Washington to learn more about expanded learning, its role in helping students succeed and grow, and how you can help make this happen. This 30-minute Lunchtime LEVinar will take place on Thursday September 22, at 12:30 p.m. Learn more or register

OSPI Candidate Forums

OSPI Candidate ForumsWashington Superintendent of Public Instruction candidates Erin Jones and Chris Reykdal are continuing to speak at forums around the state.

See them September 20 in Tacoma and September 28 in Seattle. Also, watch for LEV-exclusive podcast interviews later this month at and on LEV’s Facebook and Twitter pages!
Learn more

LEV’s vision for McCleary

LEV's vision for McClearyWhat is required of our educational system will continue to change over time. We need to develop a program of basic education that can evolve based on current and future student needs and a funding mechanism that is flexible enough to support that shifting program. Let’s envision a program of basic education that is aspirational and that creates a new path forward for Washington state. Read more

Get Involved


September 22, 2016 | Expanded Learning Opportunities, Online webinar

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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Education Advocate August 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, August 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

It’s hard to believe that summer is already halfway over and the Packers play the Hall of Fame Game this Sunday.  If you’re not watching football or the Olympics, hopefully you’ll be able to get out and about with your family.  Meanwhile in the education world, our Washington Supreme Court has scheduled the next hearing on the McCleary education funding lawsuit.  LEV has created a McCleary resources page here so you can follow the action.

Coming up on August 23rd, don’t miss our free Lunchtime LEVinar on the Opportunity Gap Bill and how it can transform basic education, presented by Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos, chair of the House Education Committee. Join us to learn about next steps for this landmark legislation.

And we’re paying close attention to the race for Superintendent of Public Instruction.  As of now, it looks like Erin Jones and Rep. Chris Reykdal will advance to the general election in November.  LEV will continue to list candidate forums here.

May you and your family enjoy the second half of summer.

And thank you for all you do for kids.

Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

Lunchtime LEVinar August 23 on The Opportunity Gap Bill: Next Steps

Lunchtime LEVinar on The Opportunity Gap Bill August 23rdHouse Bill 1541, which went into effect June 9, will soon play out in schools. Under the new law, students will no longer be suspended or expelled for discretionary offenses and better statewide data on student demographics will ensure that the system is working to keep all students on track and in school. All students suspended or expelled will receive educational services and school staff will be provided with new trainings that are sensitive to culture and positively support all students’ growth.

Learn more from Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos, who chairs the House Education committee.  Moderated by our State Field Director, Kelly Munn. Register here

LEV‘s Activist of the Month

Vanessa Hernandez is LEV's August 2016 Activist of the Month

The work that we do to improve public education is only possible thanks to the support of our activists and advocates – the parents, community members, students, and teachers who stand up and speak up.

Congratulations to Vanessa Hernandez, Youth Policy Director at the ACLU Washington, who is working to end the overuse of suspension and expulsion in schools and to eliminate disparities in rates of suspension and expulsion of students of color and students with disabilities. Read more

Resources on the McCleary Lawsuit

Learn more about the McCleary education funding lawsuitIn McCleary v. State of Washington, the Washington state Supreme Court ruled that the State of Washington is violating the constitutional rights of students by failing to amply fund basic education. The Court ordered the Legislature to make “steady, real, and measurable” progress each year to fully fund K-12 public education by 2018.  LEV has gathered resources that will help clarify the debate over education funding. Learn more

Get Involved



August 23, 2016 | The Opportunity Gap Bill: Next Steps, Online webinar

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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Education Advocate July 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, July 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

Summer is in full swing and hopefully you’re able to enjoy the Great Northwest and beyond with your family.  Here in LEV land, we’re gearing up for the upcoming legislative session and thought you might like a glossary of key education terms, which you can read here.

Looking ahead, we are hosting free Lunchtime LEVinars on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) July 19 and 21, featuring longtime Tukwila School Board Member and education guru Mary Fertakis. Join us to learn more about what this important federal law means for our kids.

One of the most important elections this year is for the next Superintendent of Public Instruction.  LEV is involved in two candidate forums – Seattle July 19 and Pasco July 25.  Take advantage of a great opportunity to meet and ask questions of the people who want to run Washington’s schools.

I am pleased to announce the release of our 2015 annual report, Finding a Way Forward. 2015 was a successful year as we worked to improve public education throughout Washington state, and we couldn’t have done it without your support. 

Finally, I would like to extend a big thank-you to all of our second quarter donors. You make our work possible. 

Thanks for all you do for kids.

Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

Finding a Way Forward

2015 Annual Report: Finding a Way ForwardAt the League of Education Voters, we believe a student’s education should be a continuum with seamless transitions. 2015 was a successful year as we worked to improve public education throughout Washington state. We are pleased to release our 2015 annual report, Finding a way forward, and we invite you to read highlights from the past year. Read more

Free Lunchtime LEVinars July 19 and 21

ESSA LEVinars July 19 and 21

The new Every Student Succeeds Act, which takes full effect in the 2017-18 school year, rolls back much of the federal government’s big footprint in education policy, on everything from testing and teacher quality to low-performing schools. And it gives new leeway to states in calling the shots. That’s a big change from the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), which ESSA replaced and updated.

In this two-part LEVinar series, Tukwila School Board Member (and LEV June Activist of the Month) Mary Fertakis will answer your questions on how ESSA will affect education in Washington state and what it could do for civil rights and equity. Moderated by our State Field Director, Kelly Munn. Register here

OSPI Candidate Forums July 19 and 25

OSPI Candidate ForumsCandidates who want to lead Washington’s school system as its next superintendent will speak at forums around the state. LEV is co-sponsoring a candidate forum in Seattle at 5:15pm Tuesday, July 19 and we’re hosting a candidate forum in Pasco at 6:00pm Monday, July 25. Learn more

Celebrating our donors

Thank you!Donations are made to the League of Education Voters (LEV) and the LEV Foundation by individuals, groups, and businesses throughout the community. These generous donations from those who believe in high-quality public education allow us to ensure measurable progress toward LEV’s vision that every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides the opportunity for success.

We’d like to take a moment to celebrate our supporters who donated to LEV or the LEV Foundation between April 1 and June 30 of this year. Thank you!

Get Involved


July 19, 2016 | OSPI Candidate Forum, New Holly Gathering Hall, Seattle
July 25, 2016 | OSPI Candidate Forum, LEV Pasco Office, Pasco


July 19 and 21, 2016 | Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA): What You Need to Know, Online webinar

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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Education Advocate June 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, June 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

As yet another school year ends with blinding speed, work is heating up for team LEV.  The new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), replacing No Child Left Behind, gives states more leeway in a wide range of areas.  Our state is figuring out how to modify our accountability system and fully implement other parts of the law.  If you’re curious how ESSA will work here in Washington, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction is holding forums around the state.  Get all the info here.

And speaking of the state Superintendent, watch for OSPI candidate forums from now until the November election.  LEV is keeping track of upcoming forums here.

Looking ahead, we’re taking a hard look at how to best fund our state education system as the McCleary debate will be front and center in the next Legislative session.  If you would like more info on what the McCleary Task Force is up to, check out our recent Lunchtime LEVinar on the topic here.

May you and your family enjoy a glorious summer.

Thank you, and thanks for all you do for kids.
Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

ESSA Regional Community Forums

ESSA regional community forums are scheduled around the stateBeginning June 14, the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is holding forums across the state to provide an overview of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implementation in Washington. Each forum is open to the public and there is no registration required.

LEV’s Activist of the Month

Mary Fertakis is LEV's June 2016 Activist of the MonthThe work that we do to improve public education is only possible thanks to the support of our activists and advocates – the parents, community members, students, and teachers who stand up and speak up.

Congratulations to longtime Tukwila School Board Member Mary Fertakis, June 2016 Activist of the Month, who has spent more than two decades fighting for people who have been marginalized – denied opportunity by race, place of birth, or government. Read more

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate Forums

OSPI candidate forums are happening now until the November electionCandidates who want to lead Washington’s school system as its next Superintendent will speak at forums around the state. Current OSPI candidates include: Robin Fleming, Ron Higgins, Erin Jones, Chris Reykdal and David Spring. Learn more

The McCleary Task Force: What to Expect

LEVinar: The McCleary Task ForceThe Washington Supreme Court is fining the Legislature $100,000 a day for not fully funding public education. During this year’s session in Olympia, the Legislature passed a bill that created a task force to determine how to end the state’s over-reliance on local levies to pay teacher salaries and other components on basic education. But will the Court be satisfied? Watch here

Get Involved


July 19 and 21 | Every Student Succeeds Act: What You Need to Know, Online webinar


League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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Education Advocate May 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, May 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

It’s a glorious spring week and we’re busy gearing up for next year’s big discussion about how to address funding basic education across the state.  First, we’re exploring what should be included in the definition of basic education.  We welcome your input on what you think should be prioritized.  To that end, we’ll be hosting a series of FREE Lunchtime LEVinars throughout the spring and summer to highlight this meaty topic.

Our first LEVinar happens next Tuesday, May 17 at 12:30pm.  Our Policy team will share what we can expect from the Legislature’s McCleary Task Force, moderated by State Field Director Kelly Munn.  Register HERE.

Thank you to everyone who participated in GiveBIG last week!  Although there were some technical glitches that impacted the day, we still raised important funds that will help us ensure that our kids who need more support get the resources they need.

Thanks for all you do for kids. We couldn’t do it without you.

Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

Thank You for Giving BIG!

Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG Day, 05.03.16 and 05.04.16We’d like to give a special shout-out to the Aurora Lilac Fund, Anonymous, Lisa Jaret, Betsy Johnson, Erin Kahn, Arik Korman, Amy Liu, Kelly Norton, Laurel Preston and Sharon Rodgers!

Any amount was appreciated and no gift was too small!

Thank you for giving big to LEV!

LEV’s Activist of the Month

Nancy Chamberlain (L) and Wendy Reynolds are May Activists of the Month
Nancy Chamberlain (L) and Wendy Reynolds

At the League of Education Voters (LEV), we recognize all of the hard work that you do toward improving public education across Washington state. We are pleased to announce our Activists of the Month for May: Nancy Chamberlain and Wendy Reynolds.

Read about how Nancy and Wendy harnessed the power of social media as an advocacy tool in their community. Read more

FREE Lunchtime LEVinar Tuesday, May 17

FREE Lunchtime LEVinar May 17, 2016LEV Policy Team members Julia Warth and Jake Vela will answer your questions on what the McCleary Task Force will do and what it won’t do.  Moderated by our State Field Director, Kelly Munn. 

When: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 12:30 pm.
Register here

Get Involved


May 17 | Lunchtime LEVinar on the McCleary Task Force

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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You are receiving this monthly newsletter because you subscribed to our mailing list or attended one of our events.
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Education Advocate April 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, April 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

Thank you to those who were able to join us at our annual breakfast two weeks ago.  We enjoyed a thoughtful conversation about helping our kids create personal pathways for success with Lake Washington Institute of Technology President Dr. Amy Morrison Goings, Will Sarett, Director of the NewTech Skill Center, and Mike Sotelo, Co-Founder of the Combined Ethnic Chamber, moderated by Washington Business Alliance President Colleen McAleer

Below, you will find a shout-out to our donors from the first quarter of 2016.  If you supported us at the breakfast, watch for your name in the second quarter report.  Thank you!

With the legislative special session over and the fate of this year’s crop of education bills decided, we can now officially celebrate our wins.  Take a look at Jene Jones’ blog post to cheer for your favorite issues.

Thanks for all you do for kids. We couldn’t do it without you.
  Chris Korsmo signature


Chris Korsmo

Celebrating Our Donors

Thank youDonations are made to the League of Education Voters (LEV) and the LEV Foundation by individuals, groups, and businesses throughout the community. These generous donations from those who believe in high-quality public education allow us to ensure measurable progress toward LEV’s vision that every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides the opportunity for success.

We’d like to take a moment to celebrate our supporters who donated to LEV or the LEV Foundation between January 1 and March 31 of 2016. Thank you!

LEV’s Activist of the Month

WA Charters is April 2016 Activist of the MonthAt the League of Education Voters (LEV), we recognize all of the hard work that you do toward improving public education across Washington state. We are pleased to announce our Activist of the Month for April: WA Charters. Learn how WA Charters helped us save public charter schools. Read more

Hear Chris and See Breakfast Photos

Our 2016 LEV Breakfast panelThank you for making the 2016 League of Education Voters Foundation Breakfast a success!  Hear CEO Chris Korsmo’s inspiring speech and see photos from the event. Learn more

GiveBIG is back!

A strong start for all kids.GiveBIG is back! Support the League of Education Voters Foundation on May 3, 2016, as part of our community’s biggest day of giving of the year.

Start now by following us on Twitter and stay tuned for details.

Get Involved


May 17, 2016 | Lunchtime LEVinar on education funding, Watch for info soon!

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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You are receiving this monthly newsletter because you subscribed to our mailing list or attended one of our events.
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Education Advocate March 2016

ED Advocate, League of Education Voters Newsletter, March 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

It is just three weeks until our Annual Breakfast! Thank you to those who have already registered to attend. If you have not had a chance to register yet, there’s still time!

If you are following the grand finale of our legislative session, make sure you have our education bill tracker bookmarked. You can also sign up to receive my Weekly Roundup Friday emails.

Finally, I would like to extend a big thank-you to all of you who have volunteered over the past 60 days. You make our work come to life.

Thanks for all you do for kids. We couldn’t do it without you.
Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

Don’t miss our Annual Breakfast

Save the date for our 2016 Annual Breakfast: March 31, 2016, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel.Our 2016 Annual Breakfast to support the LEV Foundation will be held Thursday, March 31, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel. 

Join us for an inspirational conversation about how we can match our kids’ interests and skills with the needs of today’s workforce with Mike Sotelo, founder of Consolidar and co-founder of the Combined Ethnic ChamberDr. Amy Morrison Goings, President of Lake Washington Institute of Technology, and Will Sarrett, Director of NewTech Skill Center in Spokane, moderated by Colleen McAleer, President of the Washington Business Alliance.  Learn more

LEV’s Activist of the Month

Sharon TaubelAt the League of Education Voters, we recognize all of the hard work that you do toward improving public education across Washington state. We are pleased to announce our Activist of the Month for March: Darcelina Soloria.

Read about Darcelina’s work advocating for public education — especially what public charter schools can do for our kids — and learn about her personal journey.  Read more

Thank you to Representatives who voted Yes on Public Charter Schools Senate Bill 6194

Public Charter Schools Rally Feb 25, 2016Last night, the House voted 58-39 to pass Senate Bill 6194, a long-term solution to keep public charter schools open.  The bill is off to the Senate for concurrence and then to Governor Inslee’s desk.  Here are the legislators who voted yes, in case you would like to thank them.  See the list

2016 Legislative Session: The Home Stretch

2016 Legislative Session: The Home Stretch

Find out the latest on McCleary, public charter schools, the supplemental budget, opportunity gap closure, and which proposals are alive and which are dead. 

Jene Jones, League of Education Voters Government Relations, answered your questions on what we can do to help our goals this session reach the finish line.  We were also joined by Senators Mark Mullet (D-5) and Ann Rivers (R-18).  Moderated by our State Field Director, Kelly Munn.  Watch the archived recording

Get Involved


March 31, 2016 | 2016 Annual Breakfast, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle


March 3, 2016 | The 2016 Legislative Session: The Home Stretch, Online webinar archive recording featuring LEV’s Jene Jones and Kelly Munn, along with Senators Mark Mullet and Ann Rivers

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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You are receiving this monthly newsletter because you subscribed to our mailing list or attended one of our events.
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Education Advocate January 2016


Chris Korsmo
Chris Korsmo, CEO

Happy New Year! I hope your holidays were full of good cheer (and football). Now that 2016 has arrived, it’s full steam ahead into this short but important legislative session. Read our legislative priorities on our website.

I will begin my Weekly Roundup email series tomorrow—sign up via our website to receive those emails.  And do mark your calendar for the morning of March 31.  This year’s annual breakfast focuses on helping students find their personal pathways to career-ready success beyond K-12.  To register, contact Development Manager Jackie Schultz.

Finally, I would like to extend a big thank-you to all of our 2015 donors. You make our work possible. Thanks for all you do for kids. We couldn’t do it without you.
Chris Korsmo signature



Chris Korsmo

Save the Date for our Annual Breakfast

Save the date for our 2015 Annual Breakfast: March 26, 2015, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel.Our 2016 Annual Breakfast, to support the LEV Foundation, will be held Thursday, March 31, at the Sheraton Seattle Hotel.

Join us for a conversation about the skills gap in education with Mike Sotelo, Founder of Consolidar, Plaza Bank and other business ventures, and Will Sarrett, Director of NewTech Skills Center-Spokane. Moderated by Colleen McAleer, President of the Washington Business Alliance. Learn more

Puget Sound Parent & Community Training

Access, Equity, & ExcellencePlease join us at our annual Puget Sound Parent & Community Training. The 2016 training will take place on January 23 at Highline College.

In Last year’s legislative session, elected officials directed over one billion dollars towards K-12 funding.

Where did the billion dollars go? How can you find out?  Panel topics will include:

The importance of career and technical education in meeting the needs of Washington businesses, The status of charter schools in Washington state, Education funding and update on McCleary, Advocacy for families of children with special needs (in English and Spanish),

Financial Aid 101, And a lunchtime panel on parent organizing in King County.

Learn more or register

Celebrating our donors

Thank you!Donations are made to the League of Education Voters (LEV) and the LEV Foundation by individuals, groups, and businesses throughout the community. These generous donations from those who believe in high-quality public education allow us to ensure measurable progress toward LEV’s vision that every student in Washington state has access to an excellent public education that provides the opportunity for success.

We’d like to take a moment to celebrate our supporters who donated to LEV or the LEV Foundation between July 1 and December 31 of last year. Thank you!

Get Involved


January 23, 2016 | Access, Equity, & Excellence: Annual Parent and Community Training, Highline College, Des Moines
March 31, 2016 | 2016 Annual Breakfast, Sheraton Hotel, Seattle

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League of Education Voters

League of Education Voters2734 Westlake Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109
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